I have been feeling quite irratible lately (and not just about said pay problems). I am not sure if that is the meds or the depression. Everything is just driving me a bit mad at the moment. Don't want to spend time with me? Grrr! DOn't want to go out Saturday night? Grr! Now, I don't know about you, but I am usually fairly laid back and easy going.. mate. But these last few weeks have driven me to distraction. Every minor thing is sending me off the rails and I am not sure why. But I have stopped answering messages and calls again, and I have been locking myself in my room at night just so I don't acidentally yell at a stray housemate who tries to start a conversation that isn't on my terms. These are not rational reasons to be angry all the time.
I am desperately looking forward to going back to Uni. I want to fill my head with knowledge and come home to the Boy and struggle to explain new things. I went about two years ago and decided that the course I had chosen to study- Social Work- wasn't really for me. I wasn't really in the right fram of mind for study, I wasn't serious about it, and I skipped a lot of lectures due to depression. I also failed Journalism because I was too anxious to call people. But I am different now. Sure, I still get depressed and anxious but I am ready to study and excited about it, and that makes all the difference in the world.
Still on the Zoloft. I see my Doctorb (the b is for bargain!) in just under a month, and my psych in about ten days. I am not really sure whether I should tell my doctor about being so irritable lately or just leave it. I guess I will decide before I see him. Should I tell my psych man? Decisions, decisions. It's not that I want to withold anything, I am just not sure if it's all in my head.
The Boy will be here to pick me up for work soon. I best be off to do boring domestic chores before I need to leave to be glamorously greasy. Cheers.
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