Tuesday, 12 April 2011

This is Love

It's funny how when you are so close to the edge, you are terrified that you are about to topple off, something small comes along to tell you that the world is not done with you yet.

When I was in year 11, I was horribly depressed. I wasn't sleeping or eating, or even working at that point. I knew that I just couldn't do it anymore. I planned to go home one night and kill myself. But then I got to school one day and this boy had bought me a book. He knew that I loved books and he said it was one of his favourites. This tiny gesture saved my life.

A year or so ago, I had another bout of the blues. I felt horrible. Horrible. Everyday for a few days, the Boy (who wasn't my boy then) sent me a message in the morning for ages. I looked forward to these messages and eventually, the depression passed and I continued living.

Tonight, the Boy knew that I was feeling horrible, and came to my house. He took me out for dinner even though I was barely audible, then took me home. He suggested things for me to do until I settled down and then he hugged me before he left. This is small, almost expected, to some people but to me, this is huge.

This is love.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written darls. Sometimes the small gestures are the most prominent ones.
